Talk about Indonesian, they will choose one of the best for them. But, there is unethical things will be happened. The things is "Abstain" or in Indonesia language will call that word by "golput/tidak memilih". So, to anticipate that, Majelis Ulama Indonesia or we familiar call that by "MUI", MUI will decide new rule about abstain in general elections. MUI said that all of Indonesian should choose one of them and don't be abstain. If you abstain, it will be so unethic because MUI claimed that forbidden (haram). Because in Islam, choose the leader is obligatory as long as the next leaders is accepted in regulation.
But, some Indonesian not allowed that new rule. There is pro and contra and will make the next president they choose will be not objective. Personally, I'm really disagree with the society whoes better choose abstain than choosing the next president in the General Elections. That's really unethic and so embarrassing.
What about you..??
1 komentar:
I agree with MUI. I also agree with u. I hate Abstain because with our paticipation to vote the next president, it can be send our country to be better.