Talk about Slank, some of the lyrics about government, police, and the staff of resident represents in MPR and DPR, make them angry and its not ethic. In the Lyrics, SLANK has critic them about corruption and the bad things happened in Indonesia. Related with the critic, the government, police, resident represent like DPR and MPR, and Profit Organization should not angry. They should accept this critic easily because if they feel not looks like what SLANK said to them, what for they angry..
It's mean the government, police, resident represent like DPR and MPR, and Profit Organization did it. It's so embrassed and not accepted.
Being perceive this comment, SLANK just stay cool, calm, and confidence. They don't care about what police, resident represent like DPR and MPR, and Profit Organization said as long as they are right and still in the right way. SLANK also has cooperate with KPK (Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi) to compaign about corruption and as represent of Indonesian voices. Here I will give you the lyric only for you:
Pernah kah lo denger mafia judi
Katanya banyak uang suap polisi
Tentara jadi pengawal pribadi
Apa lo tau mafia narkoba
Keluar masuk jadi bandar di penjara
Terhukum mati tapi bisa ditunda
Siapa yang tau mafia selangkangan
Tempatnya lendir-lendir berceceran
Uang jutaan bisa dapat perawan
Kacau balau … Kacau balau negaraku ini ..
Ada yang tau mafia peradilan
Tangan kanan hukum di kiri pidana
Dikasih uang habis perkara
Apa bener ada mafia pemilu
Entah gaptek apa manipulasi data
Ujungnya beli suara rakyat
Mau tau gak mafia di senayan
Kerjanya tukang buat peraturan
Bikin UUD ujung-ujungnya duit
Pernahkah gak denger teriakan Allahu Akbar
Pake peci tapi kelakuan barbar
Ngerusakin bar orang ditampar-tampar.
from the lyric above, you can take your own summary about Indonesia knowaday. So, if you interested you can download the song here.
The last but not least, for the next indonesia generation, please do the best for your country and never think about your own self. You should take care about the others and don't be selfish. Together we change Indonesia to be better!
2 komentar:
Even I'm from America, I really care about Indonesia. Hope Indonesia will be better beacause of you.
Do the best for your country.
what a nice blog pandri,..ngga nyangka semakin bagus aja blognya,..mantraaappp