World Bank President suggests to make additional facilitie for low income countries. "So beacuse of this crisis, and decreasing overseas development assistance or axport made proverty growth up faster in low income country. So that World Bank President suggested to make additional facilies." Indonesia financial cabinet minister said, Sri Mulyani, in the country palace, Jakarta,monday (16/3/2009)
Sri Mulyani said, emerging countries or include in middle income countries knowaday dtill in roll over risk, like the risk to make new dept, particularly in private sector.
But just the opposite, private sectore are in hard situation beacause the banking system in United State and Europe are under global crisis. So that they can not give them a new dept. So when the limit to pay the dept is over, they will ask to be paid instead off.
unfortunately, rolling over is impossible if the banking in United State still under global crisis. So the action is in G-20.
Sri also said that the financial minister or United State Timothy Geither explained the commitment of United Stated to approve detail planning and the resource we have.
Sri hope that the banking system in United State will be healthy soon so that she can borrow some dept again. Beside that, Sri also said, the facility to cover roll over risk should be made soon and it's going to be discussed further later.
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