Twenty one century is a technology's world that in this century, there are so many innovation of technologies. Blog and website is already been familiar for us. In Indonesia, blog is famous now. We can see latest updae in different categories that we need. As we know, blog is the way to communicate with peoples by technology, share the information we need, and publish our best Idea and experience to the people around the world. With blog, we can find new fresh writer with their best idea in their mind. In blog we can write everything like economic, global warming, politic, hobby, and much more. With Blog also can decrease the cost of inventories. With blog, you don't need to spend your budget to buy papers and ink. With blog, you are just sit in front of your lovely laptop or computer and type your idea in your own blog, then pulish it! Done. That is easy, right..??

Even you puslish your idea into your blog domain, you should follow the rule. The rule that can limit you. You should have attitude, like not to hurt anyone in difference classes, culture, and different religion. There is one of the fucking blog that humiliate our lovely prophet Muhammad SAW. In their blog, they posted about the cartoon of Prophed Muhammad SAW that will hurt muslims when they/we see it. I thought that is immoral and really unforgiveness. I wish the owner of that fucking blog will be burned in the Hell. Amin...

For blogger, even you can posting your Ideas freely in the blog, you should hold and follow blog's regulation. Please, keep your attitude and take full responsibility to keep your posting in the right way before you posting your idea into your own blog.
read more “Humiliate another Religion is NoT Ethic”
"Ethic", when you heard the first time about this word, In your mind all of you will have different meaning obout this word. Maybe, you will think, ethic is like attitude, rule, honesty, good behaviour, etc. Generally, you are right. But I want to make it perfect im the definition. Ethic is related with moral standasd and social standard. Ethic is like the unpublished rules that point us to the right or positive way. In other hand, even ethic is morality, both of ethic and morality is different. Ethic is like research and the morality is like subject. Then, if we combine it with business, ethic can be a good way to be a good businessman. In this contex, business ethic is about right morality and wring morality. In business, business ethic is the moral standard that applied un regulation, institution, and business behavioral.

Talking about principles in business ethic, usiness ethic has many principle. I thought, one of the famous theory is utilitiarianism. Why..?? Because it is liberal and not allowed in our province, especially in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and this theory is about how to maximaze profit without thinking about morality.

Based on the utilitarianism theory, the case about wild collected in education department is allowed. Why..?? Becuse utilitarianism is focused on how to get higher profit without thinking about morality. In November 2008, there is embarrased thing that has been doing by some contractor in NAD. Aceh government non corruption (TAKPA) was recorded both of education department officer and it partners. While the video recording, it shown us that the officer gift Rp1.500.000,- for each partners. Maybe, you will thinking that is normal. You think such like that because you do not know for what the money will be using. Rajab Marwan (secretary of education department) said that the money is to covered fotocopy cost expense. Now, you knew the reason. So, do you still thinking "that is normal"..?? Another reason of Rp1.500.000,- is about project. If the officer didn't want to give the money for the partners, they will not start the project. Based on utilitarianism theory, that is a good decision and will give more advantages to the society to the society in the future. And that money gift usually called with " thanks money". But, if we look into morality, that is a bad decision. Because, each partner of the contractor has their own salary. Ethically, they don't need additional money. Except, if Rp1.500.000,- is for bonus, that must be different.
read more “Utilitiarianism Related With Wild Collected In Educational Department”
By : Saiful
(Accounting Department of Economic Faculty. The University of Bengkulu)

PIN (National Integrity Plan) blueprint is the first long term strategy that to be introduced an accountable and corrupt-free society and the corruption is the one of the PIN problem. In the private sector contex, NIP focused to enhancing corporate governance and business ethic is the priority for 2008. In one hand, the investors will get their investment with the maximum value added and good ethical companies will will contribute to higer quality in the community. The current investment trend is that the investors will take into account the ethical issues in investment selection process ( Masley. 2000 as cited Van De Velde, vermeir & Corten, 2005).
Van Gils (2005) the person who examined the charecteristics of management and corporate companies fount that the Dutch companies place ethic is one of the key to selecting the new top management team. In other side, Gupta and Sulaiman (1996) found that Malaysian company managers do not conform to principles of morality and ethics. By BIEM’s survey, only 16 % of Malaysian assure management said the truth. They are concerned in making profit for the company and little emphasis on social responsibility. The research of the problem is to investigate what is the ethical orientation of board of directors of Malaysian public listed companies and what factors influence their ethical orientation.

In detail of this study are :
1. To investigate the ethical attitude to board of directors of Malaysian public listed companies.
2. To investigate the relationship between Board of Directors who are Machavellist and Board of Directors who practice Guanxi.
3. To investigate the level of corporate social responsibility activities of the five themes, practiced by Malaysian PLCs.
4. To determine if there is a significant difference between different ethnicity of BODs and their ethical orientations.
5. To determine if there is a significant difference between different religious background of BODs and their ethical orientations.

The National Integrity Plan (PIN) and Institude Integrity Malaysia (IIM) were eslablished in 2004 to enhance ethics and integrity in both public and private sectors.IIM together with NIP hopes to give direction and guidance to various sectors so that they will work cohwsively together to build a united, harmonious, moral and ethical society, raise awrness, commitment and cooperation among all sectors to enhance integrity and nurture the belief that integrity is a way of life (Accountancy, 2006). The PIN manual differencies ethic and integrity in the following manner: Ethics is a set of moral values and principles which form the standards guiding the code of conduct of individuals, organizations and professions. Ethic of individual relate to a set of values that guide the conduct and behavior of individuals, enabling them to differentiate brtween right and wrong, good and bad and between what should and can be done and what should not and can not be done. Ethic of organizations refers to guidelines in conduct of duties of the organization. These include adherence to principles of honesty, competency, trustworthiness, thruthfulness, transparency, accountability, and justice.
The research has found the type of ethical orientations. The types can be examinined by categorizing business acts into :
1. Marchiavellienism
2. Darwinism/objectivism
3. Universality, and
4. Relativism.

Marchiavellienism and Darwinism are includes in self (egoism). Universality and relativism are includes in Society (Utilitarian). When discussing the relationships between organizational leadership, corporate governance and business ethics, minkes, small and Chatterjee (1999) stressed that in completing an unethical action, many people are involved, but most of the times, the “corporation” rather than “Individual” is held responsible.
The sample of this study are Malaysian companies that are listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia. Only six industries (construction, consumer product, industrial product, plantation, properties, trading and services) were selected as they had the largest number of companies. Finance industry was omitted. Total of the six industries is three hundred and sixty. Stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used.
Based on the research that was researched looked into poor response by experts, one can infer that the state of business ethic and CSR of Malaysian companies is far from satisfactory. This finding does not augur well for a nation that is trying very hard to break into the ranks of developed nation status. The sample size of this study was to small too small because of poor response rate from companies. Owing to the poor response rate, the researcher made efforts by follow up phone calls and hired an agent to collect questionnaires from the companies that had yet to response.
read more “The Ethical Orientation of The Board of Director of Malaysian Public Listed Companies”
Ethical relativism is the thesis that ethical principles or judgments are relative to the individual or culture. When stated so vaguely relativism is embraced by numerous lay persons and a sizeable contingent of philosophers. Other philosophers, however, find the thesis patently false, even wonder how anyone could seriously entertain it. Both factions are on to something, yet both miss something significant as well. Those who whole-heartedly embrace relativism note salient respects in which ethics is relative, yet erroneously infer that ethical values are noxiously subjective. Those who reject relativism do so because they think ethics is subject to rational scrutiny, that moral views can be correct or incorrect. But in rejecting objectionable features of relativism they overlook significant yet non-pernicious ways in which ethics is relative.

In short, each side harps on the opponent's weaknesses while overlooking its own flaws. That is regrettable. We are not forced to choose between relativism and rationality. We can have both. There are ways in which ethical principles and behavior vary legitimately from culture to culture and individual to individual. That we must recognize. However this in no way suggests we cannot reason about ethics. Rather we should strive for a rational yet relativistic ethic which emphasizes the exercise of cultivated moral judgement rather than the rote application of extant moral rules. Or so I shall argue.

Situation Sensitivity

Most if not all ethicists recognize that ethical principles are relative in one sense, namely that they are situation-sensitive. Proffered moral rules like "Don't lie" are objectionable in undiluted form, we are told, since allegiance to them invites morally horrendous consequences. Textbook wisdom has it that these rules are not absolute prescriptions to be unwaveringly followed. Instead they are rules of thumb, abridgements of unexpurgated moral principles with specific qualifications or ceteris paribus clauses. Thus "Don't lie" is short for "Don't lie unless one must do so to avert great moral harm," or even more vaguely, "Don't lie, other things being equal." These "complete" principles are presumably general (i.e., relatively context-free) and exceptionless (applicable to all cases).[1]Thus, although the principles are absolute, what they prescribe varies, depending on the relevant features of the case.

Most philosophers recognize it is difficult, if not impossible, to delineate all and only such principles. We are too limited intellectually. Nonetheless we must assume there are such principles, and strive to formulate (rough approximations) of them. Without this regulative assumption, they argue, we must conclude there are conflicting ethical opinions that are equally valid. That, Brandt says, is the deleterious essence of relativism.[2]

This textbook explanation of the situation relativity of moral rules is correct as far as it goes. No specific rules can handle all the situations we face. It is dangerous to let simple maxims masquerade as full-blown moral principles. People mistake the substitute for the original and thereby ignore relevant moral complexities. We need general situation-sensitive rules.

However, such rules are not enough. General situation sensitive rules will be effective only if we know in advance which features are morally relevant. That we cannot invariably know since what is morally relevant may emerge only in the circumstances. Consequently, different individuals may legitimately act differently. Furthermore, moral relevance depends not only on the circumstances, but also on the personality of the moral agent. Let me explain.

A Rational Relativistic Ethic

It is high time that I explain in more details what I mean by a rational but relativistic ethic. That is easier said than done. Given the way the debate has been framed in the past, most people assume that we must either embrace a rigid absolutism or else run headlong into the arms of those who say ethics is non-rational.

These are not our only options. Nonetheless, it is difficult to specify what a non-traditional ethic would look like; it is difficult to explain how one could reason about ethics once we have abandoned the traditional conception. Although alternatives proposed by Schneewind, Altman, Pincoffs (all cited earlier) and others [15] strike a responsive chord, they initially seem unacceptably vague.

I suspect they seem vague, however, because we are subconsciously wedded to the model manufactured and sold by modern philosophy. We assumed ethics needed the seal of certainty, else it was non-rational. And certainty was to be produced by a deductive model: the correct actions were derivable from classical first principles or a hierarchically ranked pantheon of principles. This model, though, is bankrupt. We must abandon it and begin to think about ethics differently.

I suggest we think of ethics as analogous to language usage. As my previous analysis suggested, there are no univocal rules of grammar and style which uniquely determine the best sentence for a particular situation. Nor is language usage universalizable. Although a sentence or phrase is warranted in one case does not mean it is automatically appropriate in like circumstances -- unless "like" is so circumscribed that no situation is like another. Nonetheless, language usage is not subjective.

This should not surprise us in the least. All intellectual pursuits are relativistic in just these senses. Political science, psychology, chemistry, and physics are not certain, but they are not subjective either. As Shapere puts it, science "involves no unalterable assumptions whatever, whether in the form of substantive beliefs, methods, rules or concepts" Everything is up for grabs, including the notions of "discovery" and understanding."[16]

As I see it, ethical inquiry proceed like this: we are taught moral principles by parents, teachers, and society at large. As we grow older we become exposed to competing views. These may lead us to reevaluate presently held beliefs. Or we may find ourselves inexplicably making certain valuations, possibly because of inherited altruistic tendencies.[17] We may "learn the hard way" that some actions generate unacceptable consequences. Or we may reflect upon our own and others' "theories" or patterns of behavior and decide they are inconsistent. The resulting views are "tested"; we act as we think we should and evaluate the consequences of those actions on ourselves and on others. We thereby correct our mistakes in light of the test of time.

Of course we may not like such a ragtag process. We may yearn for the "good ole days" when we thought our ethical principles had the stamp of certainty, when we thought we had a foolproof univocal procedure for determining right and wrong. But those days, like the noumenal world, are well lost.[18] They are mere dreams, flights of philosophical fancy. It is time to grow up, to recognize that certainty is not on the menu -- nor was it ever.

That should not worry us. For if certainty is not on the menu neither is full-blown relativism. Of course people make different moral judgments; of course we cannot resolve these differences by using some algorithm which is itself beyond judgement. We have no vantage point outside human experience where we can judge right and wrong, good and bad. But then we don't have a vantage point from where we can be philosophical relativists either.[19]

We are left within the real world, trying to cope -- with ourselves, with each other, with the world, and with our own fallibility. We do not have all the moral answers; nor do we have an algorithm to discern those answers. Neither do we possess a algorithm for determining correct language usage but that does not make us throw up our hands in despair because we can no longer communicate.

If we understand ethics in this way, we can see, I think, the real value of ethical theory. Ethical theory is important, although in ways different than many people suppose. Some people talk as if ethical theories give us moral prescriptions. They think we should apply ethical principles as we would a poultice: after diagnosing the ailment, we apply the appropriate dressing.

But that is a mistake. No theory provides a set of abstract solutions to apply straightforwardly. But then, I doubt if most ethical theorists ever thought they did. Ethical theories are important not because they solve all moral dilemmas but because they help us notice salient features of moral problems and help us understand those problems in context. They help us see problems we had not seen, to understand problems we had not understood, and thereby empower us to make informed moral judgments, judgement we could not have made without an appreciation of moral theories. In that respect ethical theories and grammar serve similar functions: good grammarians may not be effective communicators; however, a grasp of grammar empowers us to communicate effectively.

Thus, we should instruct each other in the basic principles inherited from the past (respect for persons, reverence for human life, etc.) and act upon those as circumstances warrant. Then, we must listen and talk. We must non-defensively hear other's evaluations of our actions and non-condemnatorily offer reactions to theirs -- all the while acknowledging our and their fallibility. When certain actions seem especially horrendous to many (e.g., murder) we should legally prohibit them. Less obvious harms we will leave to the arena of ideas. In short: I only urge that we replicate our procedures for language usage. This, of course, puts a burden on everyone to evaluate inherited "moral wisdom" as well as our own actions. And it demands that we govern our behavior in accordance with what we find. But isn't that exactly the central theme of philosophy?[20]

Source :
read more “The Truth in Ethical Relativism (by Hugh LaFollette)”
In October 27-28th 2008, Economic faculty of Syiah Kuala University made a biggest conference that held in AAC Dayan Dawood Darussalam. The themes of the International Conference is “Regional Economic Development Through Networking: Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)”. Not only conference, but also Micrbusiness Exhibition and Tsunami Tour include in the Conference. The participants of the conference came from Malaysia, Bengkulu, Surakarta, and Solo. In the ethical side, we can see They are so good and have good attitude and polite. Eventhough the participants came from different Country and each country has a different culture, but the participants can adapt our culture and socialize with other participants and with committee of the conference. I remember that when I and my friends accompany them to shopping and take a tour, they are so friendly and care each other.

In the committee side, I can see the leader of the International Conference was tried to apply the best system for coordinator of each division and for the member of committee. And the committee always have the good communication to each division and it makes our job about conference preparation to be better. I thought the leader has been success to apply the system. Now, after the conference, I have some research of participants impression while they are in Aceh. Mostly Participants said that they are really happy while they are in Aceh because the committee of the conference are good, polite, and friendly.
read more “International Conference in Business Ethic Aspect”