In October 27-28th 2008, Economic faculty of Syiah Kuala University made a biggest conference that held in AAC Dayan Dawood Darussalam. The themes of the International Conference is “Regional Economic Development Through Networking: Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)”. Not only conference, but also Micrbusiness Exhibition and Tsunami Tour include in the Conference. The participants of the conference came from Malaysia, Bengkulu, Surakarta, and Solo. In the ethical side, we can see They are so good and have good attitude and polite. Eventhough the participants came from different Country and each country has a different culture, but the participants can adapt our culture and socialize with other participants and with committee of the conference. I remember that when I and my friends accompany them to shopping and take a tour, they are so friendly and care each other.

In the committee side, I can see the leader of the International Conference was tried to apply the best system for coordinator of each division and for the member of committee. And the committee always have the good communication to each division and it makes our job about conference preparation to be better. I thought the leader has been success to apply the system. Now, after the conference, I have some research of participants impression while they are in Aceh. Mostly Participants said that they are really happy while they are in Aceh because the committee of the conference are good, polite, and friendly.

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