The purpose of this cases is about ethical dilemmas that face the workers. Ethics at work and human resource management is about our connection and relationship with other and with the organizations. "Companies that place employees at the core of their strategies produce higher long term return to shareholder than o do industry", that was recent research founded. In developing a response to these concerns and though a relatively new area of research studies and evidences can have a significant impact on the emotion in their workplace. Also this impact will have an effect in productivity and loyalty as well as perception of care, fairness, and concern.
In a speech of Ethics Officer Association, John Challenger suggested thet we should consider planning, timing, notice, impact, and stock holde perceptions. And they argues the decision downsizing should be made by a representative group so that all stakeholder interest can be considered and to earn the trust of those who will be impacted. some might argues that a firm should give notice of downsizing as soon as that list is devised. When the firm decides to downsize, as with any other determination, it is critical to listen any unnecessary impact and allow the individual to depart with dignity. It can caused by downturns in the economy, some firms have survived decade after decade without any layoffs. One firm, has not layoff a worker in 20 years. However, the firm maintains a three-day work-week with an average wage $8.hour. When highest contracts come in, it expands to a seven-day work-week with $22/hour Other firms have entered into agreement with their workers where the firm promises not to terminate workers for reason of the economy as long as the workers agree to lower wage or decrease hour during ought period.
Discrimination is about determinate a group in social environment or underestimate to the strange population that makes them embrassing. After four decades of anti-dissemination laws on the books, one might be hard pressed today to find discrimination remaining in the workplace. Unfortunately, this is far from the case. In fact, thought overt act of discrimination might be decreasing, cover forms of discrimination are still play. Additional research/studies reinforce these findings that bias on the job is also common. When any employment decision is made, discrimination exists. In fact, employers can, should and do discriminate based on perfectly acceptable grounds. You wouldn't find it strange or wrong for a business to require a human resources degree for applicants to a position as vice president of human resources.
There are two types of sexual harassment that fit within this broad prohibition :
1. Quid Pro Quo
Quid pro quo exists where a supervisor offers an employment benefit in exchange for sexual activity or where a supervisor refuses to give an employee deserved benefit unless she or engages in sexual activity.
2. Hostile Environment
Hostile Environment exist where the work environment is severely or pervasively altered such that a reasonable person would find it offensive or abusive.
Organization in every segment of business, industry, government and education are downsizing. The very act of forcing people to leave their employement is rife wth ethics-related question. Is downsizing ever ethical..?? The truth is that unless an organization was designed expressly and overtly for the purpose, it is not in business to provide employment. Job are the by-product of successful organizational endeavors, not their intended output. Furthermore, downsizing is not necessarily a desperate move on the part of failing organizations. It can be, and probably should be, a strategic choise designed to serve the best interest of an organization. We should not be constrained by the false belief that current organizational effectiveness or financial success is a de facto argument against doing what is necessary to ensure continuing success. A health profit picture and downsizing are not mutually exclusive.
In this case, there is some issues that related with Ethics and Human Resource Management. There is some issues, like :
1. Discrimination on Grounds of Race, Sex, and Age
2. When Fear of Firing Deters Hiring.
Talk about “ When Fear of Firing Deters Hiring”, it’s very interesting issues that discrimination also include in it. Managers tread on swampy ethical terreain when they allow fear of possible problems to deter them from hiring apparently capable minority applicants, or to hestitate so long over a decision that a candidate loses interest. From 1997, surveys that vote about discrimination suits it results 53% said their organizations had been sued at least once by former employees in yhe last years. Most of 616 suits, they involved claims about discrimination. Another underlying problem caused of this issue is manager who are poor at managing. Some manager afraid and can not take a confidence decision to fire anyone. To avoid hiring problem employees from anygroup, managers just need to do a good job of checking resumes, identifying the time gaps and verifying simple facts.
I thought we should decrease this issues and try to allow differencies both of white skin and black skin.
What about Indonesia, is it happened in Indonesia..??
The answer is Yess. Why..?? This issue also happend but not because of white or black skin problem. In Indonesia usually happened Discrimination conflict when we compare it with highest and lower position in the company or organization, and also between rich society and poor society. It’s bad but it’s happened.
Guys, do you have any idea to solve this conflict…??